When Colon Cancer Threw Dona a Curve Ball, Her MD Anderson at Cooper Team Hit It out of the Park

Dona knew something wasn’t right for a while. After a colonoscopy at the Cooper Digestive Health Institute—part of MD Anderson at Cooper — she learned she had colon cancer. With the support of her husband Pete and two teenaged children, she went through surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatment with little interruption to her daily routine. Today, back to work full-time and coaching her daughter’s softball team, Dona considers herself lucky to have found her team at MD Anderson at Cooper who worked seamlessly to get her back to health and the pleasures of everyday life.

Elaine’s Story: A Mother, a Wife, a Lung Cancer Survivor

Elaine went to the doctor for a lingering cold and a cough that just wouldn’t go away. Her primary care physician did a routine check and ordered a chest x-ray for her cough when he didn’t hear any congestion in the chest. When the results came back, her doctor said there was something on her lungs and ordered a follow-up CT scan. Elaine was diagnosed with stage three lung cancer. The Cooper Lung Cancer team worked with Elaine on a plan. The Cooper team used the latest technologies and treatments which helped Elaine beat her cancer. Find out how Elaine

Specialized Surgery Gives Angela the Gift of Motherhood After Cervical Cancer

After four years of marriage, Angela and her husband decided they were ready to start a family. During an appointment with her Ob/Gyn, however, Angela discovered that her pap smear test results were abnormal. Further tests confirmed her fears that she would have to put off getting pregnant due to cervical cancer.

Angela, crushed at the thought of never living her dream of motherhood, met with David P.Warshall, MD, Head of Gynecological Oncology at Cooper, who shared with her the option of a surgical procedure which could remove the cancer, but preserve her ability to have a child. Angela soon

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