Pericardial Window

Pericardial window is surgery to drain fluid that has accumulated around the heart by creating an opening in the sac that surrounds the heart (pericardium).  This procedure helps the heart pump effectively.

The Cooper Heart Institute has a renowned team of cardiothoracic surgeons who offer world class care and have extensive experience performing the pericardial window.

Understanding the procedure

The pericardial window procedure is performed through a small incision made either below the breast bone (sternum) or between the ribs of the left chest. The fluid is drained and the surgeon creates a passage that allows the fluid to drain into the abdominal cavity where it can be absorbed. A tube may be placed to drain extra fluid for a short time after surgery. 

Indications for the procedure

Pericardial window may be recommended when there is excessive fluid build-up in the sac that surrounds the heart.