Cardiac Resuscitation Center

The Cooper Resuscitation Center is a tertiary, multi-disciplinary program dedicated to the care of post-cardiac arrest patients.

Established to provide a coordinated response to the need for a regional cardiac resuscitation center in southern New Jersey, the Cooper Resuscitation Center provides access to emergent cardiac interventions and therapeutic hypothermia ― the acknowledged gold standard for saving brain function after cardiac arrest.

Advanced care for post-cardiac arrest patients

Therapeutic hypothermia rapidly lowers the body temperature to 93-94 degrees Fahrenheit under monitored sedation for a 24-hour period. This therapy has been shown to significantly reduce brain damage and improve survival after cardiac arrest. Research has confirmed the positive results of this new treatment; however, barriers to implementation often exist due to lack of knowledge, experience, personnel and resources. The earlier treatment is begun, the better the neurological outcome, and patients demonstrate better outcomes in centers with the most experience.

Superior outcomes for patients

Therapeutic hypothermia has been shown to reduce mortality of successfully resuscitated cardiac arrest victims by 35 percent, and increase the chance of a good neurologic outcome by 39 percent.

Cooper is uniquely qualified to provide area residents with round-the-clock access to therapeutic hypothermia, expert physicians, advanced diagnostic testing capabilities, and state-of-the-art treatment. Post-cardiac arrest patients in outlying hospitals can be transported by air or land transfer to Cooper via the Cooper Transfer System, COTS.

Criteria and Transfer Protocol

Criteria for Transfer

  • Cardiac arrest in which CPR was performed
  • Pulse has been restored
  • Patient is NOT following commands immediately after pulse is restored
  • Patient is intubated

Transfer Protocol

  • Immediately call 1.866.723.2687 for transfer to Cooper University Hospital
  • Perform electrocardiogram and notify Cooper if ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is present
  • Measure temperature. If temperature is greater than 94º F, place ice packs to axilla, groin, and neck bilaterally while awaiting transfer