Prenatal Ultrasound FAQs

Preparing for Your Upcoming Ultrasound Visit at Cooper Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Why am I scheduled for an ultrasound?

You have been scheduled for a prenatal ultrasound visit in one of our Maternal-Fetal Medicine offices, either for routine screening for the well-being of your baby, or because you have a high-risk condition requiring additional attention.

Is ultrasound safe?

Ultrasound has been safely used for nearly 50 years to help determine how many babies are in the uterus, the approximate age and size of the baby, to screen for certain genetic abnormalities (e.g., Down syndrome), and for detection of major birth defects. While diagnostic ultrasound has not been shown to cause any harm to the baby, we respect that this is a medical tool, and we will only recommend ultrasounds that are medically necessary.

Will I need more than one office visit?

In most cases, there are no issues with your baby, and you will not need to come back to the office. However, there are conditions, either with you or the baby, that may require you to return for additional ultrasound examinations.

Sometimes, depending on how long you have been pregnant or other conditions, we may recommend a vaginal ultrasound to measure your cervix (lower part of the womb) or to evaluate the position of the placenta (afterbirth).

When will I receive my results?

At Cooper Maternal-Fetal Medicine, you will know about the results of your ultrasound at the end of your visit, before you leave our office. This information may come from our sonographer (the person performing the ultrasound), or may come from one of our board-certified maternal-fetal medicine physicians. Please do not be concerned if the doctor comes into the room to look at the baby. It does not mean that there is a problem. We encourage you to take the opportunity to ask the doctor any questions you may have about the ultrasound examination or your pregnancy care.

Will you update my OB/GYN?

Our physicians work closely with your referring obstetrician. We will create a written report from the ultrasound visit. Following the visit, we will upload the report to our Cooper-wide electronic medical record, or we will send it by fax to your doctor’s office if she/he is not a Cooper doctor. In the event of any ultrasound findings that cause concern, we will contact your physician personally to discuss our findings and coordinate the best plan of care.

Can I bring my family members to my appointment?

We welcome family members to the ultrasound exam; however, please be aware that space is limited in the exam room. We do sometimes need to ask sensitive medical questions, and occasionally you may be given results that are unexpected and/or upsetting. Please consider this when you decide who and how many family members will join you.

Cooper is a teaching hospital – will I be examined by a resident or student?

Cooper University Hospital is a teaching hospital. Therefore, you may interact with OB/GYN residents (physicians training in OB/GYN), medical students (doctors-to-be), and sonographer students. Rest assured that all medical decisions will still be made by your licensed physician and sonographer. If you prefer not to have a student or resident participate in your care, please let us know.

We want your feedback.

Our goal is to provide you with excellent service, to answer all of your questions in an understandable manner, and for you to be completely satisfied with your office visit. You may receive a survey from the hospital with detailed questions about your recent experience. We encourage you to complete the survey, so we can learn what we are doing well and what we need to improve. Even if you do not receive a survey, please feel free to email us at with any comments about your experience.