Natural History of Spinal Degeneration: We are All Wearing Out!
David H. Clements III, MD
What is the Most Common Cause of Back Pain in each Part of Life?
Christopher Bilbao, DO
What are the “Red Flags” and How do We Catch Them?
Steven S. Yocom, DO
Physical Therapy, Acupuncture, Chiropractic: Do Any of these Work?
Stephen J. Cohen, MD
What is the Evidence for Spinal Injections?
Michael Sabia, MD
When is Referral for a Surgical Consult Reasonable? Neuro or Ortho?
Michael Sabia, MD
Is there any Surgical Procedure that Works for Back Pain?
Vishal A. Khatri, MD
Department Chief
Lawrence S. Miller, MD
- Chairman Emeritus, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
- Senior Orthopaedic Advisor, Cooper Bone & Joint Institute
Additional Faculty