
Liposuction is a surgical procedure designed to reshape specific areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits. The amount of fat removed varies from patient to patient based the height, weight, relative health, and cosmetic goals of each individual. In women, the most frequent areas of liposuction are the thighs, hips, abdomen, and upper arms.  In men, typically the "love handles" at the waist and the chest area are treated. 

Tumescent liposuction , which is the safest type of liposuction, involves the injection of a large amount of anesthetic into the area being treated in order to minimize bruising, swelling, and post-operative pain. 

At Cooper University Hospital, our dermatologists offer world class care and have extensive experience performing liposuction.

Understanding the procedure

The basic liposuction procedure involves the insertion of a small, tube-like instrument called a cannula through tiny incisions made by the surgeon. The cannula then breaks up and vacuums away unwanted fat deposits beneath the skin.  

Tumescent liposuction is performed in the out patient setting.   

Indications for the procedure

Good candidates for liposuction are of normal weight, have healthy, elastic skin, and have specific “trouble areas” such as the tummy, thighs, and buttocks that will not respond to changes in diet and exercise.

It is important to know that liposuction is not the surgical answer to diet management and individuals need to have realistic expectations. It is often recommend that patients who are significantly overweight seek dietary counseling and support before the procedure is considered.